I'm over 40 and sometimes I just can't understand things. That after these 40 years I can still get wrapped up in disappoint of other people. It is so hard to let go of that disappointment, you hold onto it like it has something of lasting value. You feel as if you let go of it you may just fall apart, not being able to hold yourself together or have others look at you as weak or worse yet....'someone with underlining issues'. I've never been one to be disappointed in my children and the things they choose to do. Those things are their choices in life. However when it comes to people hurting my children's feelings, mine or my husbands, I'm like a mother tiger protecting her young. I want to lash out and give others a piece of my mind. The more and more people disappoint me the further and further away I seem to push them. That way I won't have to deal with any disappointment. I know it isn't anyway to live. I'm trying so hard to let go and be a person of peace. It isn't an easy road to walk and I feel so overwhelmed that I can't even see in front of me.
I'm so thankful that my God is the one who is on the thrown in good times and bad because if He wasn't I wouldn't be worth anything at all.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Well, I think I am finally caught up with the house after inlaws living with us. I'm exausted and sleeping well for the most part at night so that is good.
The weather has changed to fall. The leaves are starting to turn colors and as all of my children have said since they were little......"you can see your hhhhh's this morning". Translation....."you can see your breath this morning".....lol.......time goes by so fast!! You always think you will never make it through the next stage of your life BUT it is like the seasons. They are forever changing and in the end they are beautiful.
Speaking of change, our house color has finally changed! It has taken Bruce and I, 5 years to decide on house colors. It was so worth the wait. NOW, I'm ready to start painting the inside.......to bad I can't pay someone to do that too!
We will have visitors in a few hours and I can't wait!! Nicole, Paul and Piper are coming into town. It should be fun for all. Great Great Grandparents are going to be here tomorrow so we are looking forward to getting a 5 generation picture of everyone.
Back to work for me just a few more errands to get out of the way. It is so nice when your house is clean, it helps you to remember to take time out for yourself!!
The weather has changed to fall. The leaves are starting to turn colors and as all of my children have said since they were little......"you can see your hhhhh's this morning". Translation....."you can see your breath this morning".....lol.......time goes by so fast!! You always think you will never make it through the next stage of your life BUT it is like the seasons. They are forever changing and in the end they are beautiful.
Speaking of change, our house color has finally changed! It has taken Bruce and I, 5 years to decide on house colors. It was so worth the wait. NOW, I'm ready to start painting the inside.......to bad I can't pay someone to do that too!
We will have visitors in a few hours and I can't wait!! Nicole, Paul and Piper are coming into town. It should be fun for all. Great Great Grandparents are going to be here tomorrow so we are looking forward to getting a 5 generation picture of everyone.
Back to work for me just a few more errands to get out of the way. It is so nice when your house is clean, it helps you to remember to take time out for yourself!!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I feel like I really accomplished something today. I canned for the first time in years!!! The sweet smell of peaches and nectarines is hanging in the air of the house. Okay, so I remember what it was like to be on my feet for 6hrs in one of two positions, while filling 39qts of peaches and 10qts of nectarines in 2 days. My feet are throbbing because I couldn't wear shoes because of my stubbed toe....that is a story for another day.
The first day of school for my children was today and all seemed to go well. I LOVE my children but OH MY have they been ready to go back to school!! Okay, maybe I've been way MORE ready than they have!! The my kind of quiet was so nice but as soon as they got home the noise level yet again raised its hand to a somewhat normal level. I could tell they were overwhelmed with their days because they were spending quiet time together building lego creations.
It is wonderful being a Grandparent.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Why does summer have to seem like it is crazy sometimes??!! When I was a child the dog days of summer just seemed to drag and now they just go by fast. You try to fit everything in and so before you know it is time to by school supplies and clothes.
Son's team took 3rd place in the city tournament for Little League. That was fun! Nicole came home for a week, we had her baby shower in which she got a lot of cool things. She took each of her younger siblings for a week which turned out to be a great time for everyone.
Now we are in the home stretch of waiting for Miss Piper to make her appearance it is way easier for me than it is for Nicole though. The waiting has brought back memories of what it was like to be pregnant with all of my children. It has also helped me to realize how much I love each one of them, even when we don't seem to be getting along well at times.
My mil/fil are living with us right now. The job they have isn't going well and they are both looking for work. I hope something happens for them soon. I'm glad we all have a good relationship BECAUSE if we didn't we wouldn't be getting along very well. She has been helping around the house which I am thankful for because it has freed me up to organize my scrapbook area. I think I am finally becoming comfortable in my space!!
It has been WAY HOT this year, hotter than ever. I think we are in for a hard winter, that is the way it usually happens around here. Well back to organizing, watching a disney movie with my youngest and a few more chores before bed.
Son's team took 3rd place in the city tournament for Little League. That was fun! Nicole came home for a week, we had her baby shower in which she got a lot of cool things. She took each of her younger siblings for a week which turned out to be a great time for everyone.
Now we are in the home stretch of waiting for Miss Piper to make her appearance it is way easier for me than it is for Nicole though. The waiting has brought back memories of what it was like to be pregnant with all of my children. It has also helped me to realize how much I love each one of them, even when we don't seem to be getting along well at times.
My mil/fil are living with us right now. The job they have isn't going well and they are both looking for work. I hope something happens for them soon. I'm glad we all have a good relationship BECAUSE if we didn't we wouldn't be getting along very well. She has been helping around the house which I am thankful for because it has freed me up to organize my scrapbook area. I think I am finally becoming comfortable in my space!!
It has been WAY HOT this year, hotter than ever. I think we are in for a hard winter, that is the way it usually happens around here. Well back to organizing, watching a disney movie with my youngest and a few more chores before bed.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
So time just seems to go by and I don't really know where it goes! When I was younger, like in elementary school.......I used to think at 40 I would be dead. Well I'm hardly that!! Thank GOD!! If I was dead I wouldn't be able to enjoy the excitement of getting ready for my first Grandchild, making fitted flannel cloth diapers and hostessing a baby shower for my daughter.
In just one week Nicole will be here!! Okay, so I'm trying to not let my excitement get away from me. I would then get overwhelmed and not be able to accomplish anything that I need to get done!!! If that happens then my horrible migrains enter the scene. Nope just don't want that!!
It is also times like today that I miss Angela. I know, I know she calls me 4 to 5 times a week depending on what her schedule is BUT I can't help trying to figure out a way for her to take part in the fun. HHHhhhhmmmm........maybe she needs to be available by phone for the baby shower? I will have to see what she thinks of the idea, being two hours ahead of us she might be up to late.
School also gets out next Tuesday for the summer. Okay so I am just not ready for this!! I think I am going to take advantage of it though and get some deep cleaning done in the garage. Maybe even paint a room or two!! Oh and next week also marks the start of Little League city tournament. My son's team is in first place so here we go up against the best in the valley!! Hold on it's going to be a long ride!!
In just one week Nicole will be here!! Okay, so I'm trying to not let my excitement get away from me. I would then get overwhelmed and not be able to accomplish anything that I need to get done!!! If that happens then my horrible migrains enter the scene. Nope just don't want that!!
It is also times like today that I miss Angela. I know, I know she calls me 4 to 5 times a week depending on what her schedule is BUT I can't help trying to figure out a way for her to take part in the fun. HHHhhhhmmmm........maybe she needs to be available by phone for the baby shower? I will have to see what she thinks of the idea, being two hours ahead of us she might be up to late.
School also gets out next Tuesday for the summer. Okay so I am just not ready for this!! I think I am going to take advantage of it though and get some deep cleaning done in the garage. Maybe even paint a room or two!! Oh and next week also marks the start of Little League city tournament. My son's team is in first place so here we go up against the best in the valley!! Hold on it's going to be a long ride!!
Monday, May 22, 2006
It managed to cool down outside the last few day but it remains muggy just because it has been raining. My son's game even got rained out Saturday morning........sooooo we said it was a good inning instead of a good game. It will be rescheduled for after June 3rd, starting where we left off Home Team 6, Vistors 1.....with us in the lead!! Got to love the boys who brought in runs with mud on their pants. Ethen managed to get himself muddy and told me it was an accident. HA......don't believe that one for a second!!
This weekend was also our neighborhoods annual work day. We have about 25-30 families in the neighborhood that our in the association BUT only 3-5 families ever show up to help get the pool up and going. This year was different we had over a dozen people show.(missed you here girls!!) Dang it made everything go so smoothly and we were all heading home by 1pm!! That had to be a record and it feels good to just have it done!! My job is to keep the pool clean for the summer. I really enjoy it but by the end of the pool season I'm ready for it to close. Really an hour a day is all it really takes in less problems develop. It gives me something to do plus gives the family Christmas money!! That is the BIG plus!
This weekend was also our neighborhoods annual work day. We have about 25-30 families in the neighborhood that our in the association BUT only 3-5 families ever show up to help get the pool up and going. This year was different we had over a dozen people show.(missed you here girls!!) Dang it made everything go so smoothly and we were all heading home by 1pm!! That had to be a record and it feels good to just have it done!! My job is to keep the pool clean for the summer. I really enjoy it but by the end of the pool season I'm ready for it to close. Really an hour a day is all it really takes in less problems develop. It gives me something to do plus gives the family Christmas money!! That is the BIG plus!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Well, it has been almost a month since the last time I even made a post. Life is so crazy with Baseball Season which we are coming to the end of. My son's team is 10 and 1, so we are in good standing to be in first or second place in our league. I'm amazed though how tense the coach can get over a game. I guess, I'm just a laid back person and remembering they are just boys having fun. The heat has stepped up the last few days and it is WAY HOT!! Over 90* but nice in cool in the house. It has been years since we have had air conditioning! I'm relearning to truely enjoy the cooler house and even tempatures inside.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Well, last week was a busy week! Spent time getting everything ready for my get a way weekend! As usual I took WAY to much to work on BUT did get a lot done!! A couple of scrapbook gifts have been started and I'm so excited to give them I can hardly stand it! That always happens though ;o) It was so much FUN! There were 22 of us this year and we managed to throw a secret baby shower for one of the gals that attended. She has three boys and is pregnant with a little girl!! So everything into he shower was PINK related. Pink balloons, Pink M&M's, other Pink candy, Pink on the cake, Pink packages and ALOT of Pink clothes!!! Well there was a lot of Citrus Green too!! After all we are the Citrus Sisters. I stayed up late until 3am two nights in a row. I get to play catch up on sleep this week while still being a mom and wife. All this while doing my best to NOT be terribly cranky!! Wish me luck!! lol
Friday, April 14, 2006
Yippeeeee!! It's FRIDAY!!! I just LOVE the weekend a chance to just BE!! No errands inless I want to and only if I didn't get to it durning the week.
Tomorrow marks opening ceremonies for Little League. The season is off to a GREAT start!! We have won the first two games!! My son Ethen got two hits in the first game and the second game was watching the ball then getting to first, which led to a run! We are pretty excited about the team this year.
Only 6 days until my yearly get away with my girlfriends!!! 2 1/2 days of scrapbooking, NO responsibilites and staying up late if I want to!! I soooo need this time!!!
Mil/Fil are in town for a few days. I have to admit it has been fun having them here. I'm so glad we now get along. I remember the days when we didn't.........lol. They weren't good but we have all since moved past those days. The days are now full of laughter and I like that very much!!
I watched a clip at youth group last night. They were interviewing people off the streets, asking them what the true meaning of Easter was. MOST everyone didn't even know, that is VERY disturbing to me. In case you are reading this and you don't know.........Easter isn't about Fuzzy Bunnies, Easter egg hunts and candy, it is about this wonderful man called Jesus. He was crucified on a cross for your sins, died and three days later rose from the dead. He is an incredible GOD!! To do that just for me/you and all our short comings is truely a selfless act.
Have a blessed weekend!!
Tomorrow marks opening ceremonies for Little League. The season is off to a GREAT start!! We have won the first two games!! My son Ethen got two hits in the first game and the second game was watching the ball then getting to first, which led to a run! We are pretty excited about the team this year.
Only 6 days until my yearly get away with my girlfriends!!! 2 1/2 days of scrapbooking, NO responsibilites and staying up late if I want to!! I soooo need this time!!!
Mil/Fil are in town for a few days. I have to admit it has been fun having them here. I'm so glad we now get along. I remember the days when we didn't.........lol. They weren't good but we have all since moved past those days. The days are now full of laughter and I like that very much!!
I watched a clip at youth group last night. They were interviewing people off the streets, asking them what the true meaning of Easter was. MOST everyone didn't even know, that is VERY disturbing to me. In case you are reading this and you don't know.........Easter isn't about Fuzzy Bunnies, Easter egg hunts and candy, it is about this wonderful man called Jesus. He was crucified on a cross for your sins, died and three days later rose from the dead. He is an incredible GOD!! To do that just for me/you and all our short comings is truely a selfless act.
Have a blessed weekend!!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Life has been crazy!! It is proving to be an interesting week. Over the weekend I get a phone call from my mil/fil asking if they can stay at our house for a couple of days. They would come in Saturday and leave early Monday so I'm thinking ya we can make that work. They are in the middle of jobs so they do a lot of traveling right now. So yesterday morning I get this call asking if we would mind them staying a couple of extra days. They said we will be there Wednsday so who shows up after dinner tonight?? aaaarrrggghhh!!! Really they aren't bad but I was really hoping to have my house a little cleaner. Oh well life goes on!!
Little League season started last night.(we won 13 to 0) This will be Ethen's last year playing inless he decides to play ball in school. It is kinda become something we do every spring. It will feel weird next year but I'm getting ahead of myself. I hope the season goes well for him and then team. He did hit two balls last night which for him is top notch!!!
Little League season started last night.(we won 13 to 0) This will be Ethen's last year playing inless he decides to play ball in school. It is kinda become something we do every spring. It will feel weird next year but I'm getting ahead of myself. I hope the season goes well for him and then team. He did hit two balls last night which for him is top notch!!!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
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