It is a wonderful week, really!
This has been a full on adjustment to routine. Getting back into the swing of life in general and scrapbooking a Layout a Day!! Later into the evening than what I want but inspiration sometimes doesn't come until then.
Day 4, The purrfect pair and the perfect picture. Not many times in life does that perfect picture come around. In this case it did, Sneakers to the left and Archie to the right. Archie was rescued from the Costco parking lot a few weeks before Christmas. He was in BAD shape, weighing in at 3.5 lbs at 7 months. No shelter would take him because he had an upper respirtory infection. So we took him to the vet, got him on some meds to make him better......then, it was all history. So much for not EVER having another animal!!
Day 5, My son one very warm spring day when he was about 4 years old. His oldest sister taught him how to spray people with the sprinkler. The complete joy on his face is completely priceless!!
Day 6. Maybe not the most flattering photos of my daughters feet and I still have journalling to do, but these were taken just a couple of days ago. My Grandson was born Tuesday afternoon, weighing in at almost 10lbs. Talk about uncomfortable!! Tomorrow you will find 3 more layouts that I can't wait to share with you. Many blessings to my daughter and Son in law on the birth of their Son, my Grandson Elijah David. I can't wait for that exciting day to meet you face to face!!
Congratulations on your new grandbebe!!!
Inky Smiles!
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